Family Wellbeing And Mindfulness
NEW! Free Local Online Mental Health Courses
LightHearts UK offer free online courses developed by a qualified mindfulness instructor and a cognitive analytic therapist/senior NHS psychiatric nurse specialising in anxiety, stress and depression. Both courses are entirely free and don’t even require a sign up. Just choose one of the courses below, click on the button and you’re ready to go.
Mindwell Art Group & Art Therapy
Chris Smith is an art therapist who has worked with the Mindwell Art Group for the last 10 years and specialises in mental health. Here Chris talks about the group and the Zoom sessions he offers. For more information please contact Chris via email chrissmith22@hotmail.co.uk. You can check out what the group has been up to on the Mindwell Art Facebook page.
You And Your Pet
We know that many people in Tunbridge Wells own pets, whether that is a dog, cat or another type of pet! With so many of us now spending more time at home with our pets, here’s our quick and easy fact sheet to answer some of your questions about dog walking and how to keep your pets entertained indoors during lockdown.
It’s easy to let the ordinary pass by unnoticed. So much good happens in the ordinary – the everyday, we just need to train ourselves to notice and be grateful.
Mindful Breaks
Taking regular mindful breaks (before you need one) keeps us resourceful, creative and productive throughout the day – instead of feeling completely wiped-out and exhausted at the end of the day.
Stress First Aid
Stressful situations happen to us all, indeed they are intrinsic to life as are happy and joyful moments. It’s how we react to stress that’s key.
Breathing Space
You can do this practice for one minute or for as long as you like.
This Is Us Dance
This Is Us Dance, an inclusive dance company based in Tunbridge Wells, are offering online creative sessions for all. The online sessions range from 5 minute creative tasks, to longer 15 minute creative classes. Some of the recent favourites have included dance machines, scavenger hunts and texture explorations in the garden. These are accessible activities will have you and your family smiling in minutes.
150 Minutes Of Exercise
Adults should do some type of physical activity every day. Any type of activity is good for you. The more you do the better. Here are some physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64.
Couch To 5K
Taking up running can seem like a scary prospect, especially if you feel out of shape or unfit. NHS Couch to 5K will help you gradually work up towards running 5K in just 9 weeks.
Drink Free Days
Choose your Drink Free Days and get reminders, support and practical advice to change your drinking habits for good.
Active 10
Active 10 is a free and easy to use walking app that tracks your walking and shows you how you can increase your intensity to benefit your health. The app is designed to support you every step of the way to increase your daily level of physical activity, with simple and achievable milestones and rewards along the way.
NHS Smoke-Free App
Created for those who want to stop smoking, the Smokefree app is a 4 week programme that puts practical support, encouragement and tailored advice in the palm of your hand.